Student Blogs

Sick Already?!

September 15th, 2010 hmcane12

Sorry I have been MIA for the past few days.  I was experiencing the Tanzanian medical centers first hand!  I, along with four others students, woke up Monday morning feeling extremely lethargic and feverish.  The symptoms progressed pretty quickly…to the point that I almost passed out by the time we arrived at the medical center (15 minutes in “Tanzanian time” is equivalent to an hour….the bumpy ride to the hospital took about 35 minutes and when we arrived, there were many other people there who, I am sure, were in far more need).  They tested us for Malaria, Typhoid fever, and some other scary diseases and luckily they were all negative.  We all had acquired some sort of African flu that is basically like the normal achy flu in America but extremely intensified.  Fortunately, we were given medication and I literally fell asleep Monday afternoon and didn’t wake up until this morning.  I’m a little discombobulated and stressed because I am already behind in my assignments but I’ll survive. I will give you another update after I update myself!

Word of the day: mwuguzi (nurse)


One Response to “Sick Already?!”

  1. kerry Wright says:

    Hey han!!! MISS YOUUUU!!!! I wish I could be there to nurse you back to health 🙁 poor little munchkin. Feel better!!! This is from Liam!!!

    “Hannah Banana,
    It sounds like you are having an amazing time in Africa, I’m happy you got there safely. I showed your blog to some of my co workers and a few students and they are quite impressed with your adventure. I love the “squirrels to giraffes comparison…its totally legit. I’m breaking “asante sana” out on a regular basis…keep the phrases coming! I think you should do what Colleen says and teach them songs, however, I think you should teach them dance moves too…say soulja boy? How bout the electric slide? Maybe some swing dances would go well. Anyway, I’m so happy for you and I’m sending you tons of good vibes!!!!! Congrats and keep us posted.
    Much love,
    Your faithful follwing!”

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